Mas d’en Compte, Magnum
Mas d’en Compte DQO Priorat Màgnum The year 1997 was when Joan Sangenís decided to bottle, for the first time, a small part of his own vintage and also, the year when he established contacts with Marià Bigordà, father and son, in order to formalise a joint...
Vites Veteres de Mas d’en Compte 2014
Vites Veteres de Mas d’en Compte 2014 DOQ Priorat In Porrera’s Cal Pla cellar, Joan Sangenís and Marià Bigordà, father and son, decided to store 1492 bottles from the 11 original barrels from Vitis Veteres Mas d’en Compte’s 2014 regular harvest....